Excel VBA Range Function (with 13 Examples)

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In this article, we will discuss how you can use this function in VBA in Excel with different examples. The Range function is one of the most important and widely used functions in Excel VBA.

The range is a versatile function in Excel VBA that we can use to refer to a single cell, a range of cells, a row, a column, or a three-dimensional range.

In the context of the Excel worksheet, the VBA range object includes a single cell or multiple cells spread across various rows and columns.

Overview of Excel VBA Range Function

Introduction to Excel VBA Range Function

Function Objective: The Excel VBA Range function represents a range in a worksheet. A range can be a single cell or a range of cells.

Syntax: The syntax for the Excel VBA Range function is:


Excel VBA Range function syntax

Referencing Cells Using Excel VBA Range Function

We can use the Excel VBA Range function to reference a single cell or a range of cells.

1. Referencing Single Cell

To refer to a single cell, use the following syntax:


The above code refers to cell D5.

2. Referencing Range of Cells

We can reference a range of cells in a couple of ways.

2.1 Using Cells Property

To reference a range of cells we use any one of the following syntaxes:

Range("B5", "D10")

The above syntax refers to the range B5 to D10.

2.2 Using Offset Property

We can also use the Offset property to refer to a range.

The following syntax references cell D10 from cell B5:


Read More: VBA to Set Range in Excel

3. Referencing Entire Row

The following syntax references the entire row 4.


4. Referencing Entire Column

To reference column C we can use the following syntax:


5. Referencing Named Range

To refer to a range named Sales_Data, we can use the following syntax:


Examples of Using Excel VBA Range Function

We can use the Excel VBA Range function in various ways. Some of the examples are shown here.

1. Selecting Cells in Excel

We can use the Range function for selecting a single cell or a range of cells.

1.1 Single Cell

To select a single cell using the VBA Range function,

  • Go to Developer > Visual Basic.

Go to Developer tab and then visual basic

  • Insert a new module by going to Insert > Module.

Insert a new module

  • Insert the following code in the module:
Sub Select_Single_Cell()
End Sub

Insert code to select a single cell

  • Run the code by pressing F5 on your keyboard or clicking on Run. This will select the cell B5 in the worksheet.

Run code to select a single cell with Excel VBA Range function

1.2 Entire Column

To select an entire column, we can use the following code:

Sub Select_Entire_Column()
End Sub

Insert code to select column B with Excel VBA Range function

  • Running the above code selects column B in the worksheet.

select column by running the code

1.3 Entire Row

The following code selects row 5 in the worksheet.

Sub Select_Entire_Row()
End Sub

Insert code to select entire row with Excel VBA Range function

  • Run the above code to select row 5 in the dataset.

select entire row by running the code

Read More: Excel VBA: Set Range by Row and Column Number

1.4 A Range of Cells

To select a range of cells, use the following code:

Sub Select_Two_Different_Ranges()
End Sub

Insert code to select a range with Excel VBA Range function

1.5 Non-Adjacent Cells

We can also select a range of non-adjacent cells using the Excel VBA Range function.

Sub Select_Non_Adjacent_Cells()
End Sub

Insert code to select non-adjacent cells

1.6 Two Different Ranges

To select two different ranges, we can use the following code. You can modify this code to select multiple ranges too.

Sub Select_Two_Different_Ranges()
End Sub

Insert code to select two different ranges with Excel VBA Range function

2. Inputting Values in Excel Worksheet

We can use the Excel VBA Range function to input values in cells.

2.1 Single Cell

The following code inputs the value Exceldemy in cell C6.

Sub Input_Values_Single_Cell()
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C6").Value = "Ethan Rodriguez"
End Sub

Insert and run code to insert value in a single cell

  • We don’t need to insert a quotation for a numerical value:
Sub Input_Values_Single_Cell()
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D6").Value = 1950
End Sub

Insert and run code to insert numerical value in a single cell

2.2 Multiple Cells

We can easily input a value in multiple cells or a range of cells using the following code:

Sub Input_Values_Multiple_Cell()
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E5:E14").Value = “July”
End Sub

Insert and run code to insert value in multiple cells

3. Merging Cells of an Excel Worksheet

To merge a range of cells we can use the following code:

Sub Merge_Cells()
End Sub

insert code to merge cells

The above code merges cells B2, C2, D2, and E2 into a single cell.

4. Unmerge Merged Cells in Excel

The VBA Range function can also unmerge merged cells. For this, use the following code:

Sub Unmerge_Cells()
End Sub

insert code to unmerge cells with Excel VBA Range function

5. Clear Formatting from Excel Cells

To clear formatting from a cell or a range of cells, we can use the following code:

Sub Clear_Formatting()
End Sub

clear formatting from cells

6. Clear a Range

We can use this function to clear everything from a range. Use the following code:

Sub Clear_Everything()
End Sub

The code clears every content from the range C5:D10 including formatting, formulas, values, etc.

clear contents from cells

7. Delete Range

We can delete a range using the following code:

Sub Delete_Range()
End Sub

Insert code to delete cells

8. Finding Value Within Range in Excel

We can use this function to find a specific value within a range and select the cell that contains the value. For this, we use the following code:

Sub Find_and_Select_Cell()
    Dim sValue As Variant
    Dim sRange As Range
    Dim foundCell As Range
    sValue = "Ashley Williams"
    Set sRange = Range("B5:D14")
    Set foundCell = sRange.Find(sValue, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If foundCell Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "The value '" & sValue & "' not found in the specified range."
    End If
End Sub

insert code to find specific value within range

  • Run the code to find the value and select the cell with that value.

run code to find value and select cell

Read More: Excel VBA: Get Range of Cells with Values

9. Sorting a Range of Cells

We have the following dataset. We will try to sort this dataset with a single column and multiple columns.

Dataset before sorting

9.1 Single Column

To sort the dataset based on the values in cell D5, we use the following code:

Sub Sort_Single_Column()
    Range("B5:D14").Sort Key1:=Range("D5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
End Sub

Sort with single column using Excel VBA Range function

  • The dataset looks like this after sorting.

Sorted dataset with single column

9.2 Multiple Columns

We can also sort a dataset with multiple columns. Use the following code:

Sub Sort_Multiple_Columns()
    Range("B5:D10").Sort _
        Key1:=Range("C5"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
        Key2:=Range("D5"), Order2:=xlAscending, _
End Sub

Insert code to sort with multiple columns

  • The dataset looks like this after sorting with multiple columns.

Sorted dataset with multiple columns

10. Copy and Paste Cell Values in Excel

To copy cell values and paste them into a specific range, we can use the following code:

Sub Copy_and_Paste_Values()
End Sub

Copy and paste cell values using Excel VBA Range function

11. Count Cells in Range

We can count the number of cells in a range with the Range function. For this, we use the following code that counts total cells in the range B5:D14 and shows the result in cell E5.

Sub Count_Cells()
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("B5:D14")
    Range("E5").Value = rng.Count
End Sub

cells count using Excel VBA Range function

12. Customize Fonts in Excel

We can customize the fonts used in a range. For example, the following code makes the fonts in the range C5:C10 bold.

Sub Custom_Font()
Range("C5:C10").Font.Bold = True
End Sub

Insert code to customize fonts

13. Summing a Range of Cells

Among other uses of the Excel VBA Range function, the summation of the values is one. For this, we can use the following code:

Sub Sum_Range()
    Range("B14") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("B5:B10"))
End Sub

This code sums the values in cells B5 to B10 and shows the summation in cell B14.

Insert code to sum values

Things to Remember

  • Remember to save the Excel file as a macro-enabled one.
  • The Range function can be used in conjunction with other VBA functions to create macros that automate tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Excel VBA Range function used for?

A: The Range function in Excel VBA is used to perform various operations on cells, such as reading or modifying values, formatting, and more.

2. Can I modify cell values using the Range function?

A: Yes, you can modify the cell values using the Value property of the Range object. The example is shown in this article.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the spreadsheet and practice the methods by working on it.


This article has explained the Excel VBA Range function and shown multiple uses of the function.

Read through the examples to get a better understanding of the examples and use them in your works. Feel free to comment in the comment box below.

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Maruf Niaz
Maruf Niaz

Md. Maruf Niaz, BSc, Textile Engineering and Management, Bangladesh University of Textiles, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for 11 months. He works as an Excel and VBA Content Developer who provides authentic solutions to Excel-related problems and regularly writes fantastic content articles. He has published almost 20 articles in ExcelDemy. As an Excel & VBA Content Developer for ExcelDemy, he offers solutions to complex issues. He demonstrates an enthusiastic mindset and adeptness in managing critical situations with... Read Full Bio

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