Highlight Duplicates in Excel

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In this article, we will learn how to highlight duplicates in Excel, find duplicates, and remove the duplicates in Excel. This option is quite basic but still very useful. There are different ways to highlight duplicates. Here, we mainly used conditional formatting with different formulas to cover the different situations of highlighting duplicates. We also used formulas to find duplicates and then highlight those duplicates.

This feature is quite important and useful while working on a dataset. If you highlight the duplicates, then you can easily identify the duplicate value and simply avoid those values, you can also get a clearer visuality of the dataset, better visualization, and you can analyze data in a better way as well.

Highlight Duplicates in Excel: 7 Ways

Here we will learn how to highlight duplicates in Excel using different formulas in conditional formatting for different situations.

1. Highlight Duplicates Using Conditional Formatting

  • Initially, select range C5:E10 and go to Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> Duplicate Values to select duplicates.

Using conditional formatting to highlight duplicates in Excel

  • Now, the Duplicate Values dialog box will pop up.
  • Select Duplicates and select the color from the Format cells that contain:

Duplicate values dialog box pop up

  • Last, the final output will be like below.

Output of highlight duplicates in Excel

2. Highlight duplicates Along Rows

  • In the beginning, select the rows from 5 to 10 and go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> New Rule… to highlight duplicates.

Highlight duplicates in Excel row wise

  • Then, the Edit Formatting Rule dialog box pops up, and you enter the formula in Edit the Rule Description.
=COUNTIFS($C$5:$C$10, $C5, $D$5:$D$10, $D5)>1
  • After that, change the format color accordingly.


Using formula in conditional formatting

  • Finally, the rows are highlighted below.

The output of highlight duplicates in Excel row-wise

3. Highlight Duplicates Along Columns

  • First, select a column by clicking on the column bar and go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> Duplicate Values… to get the duplicates.

Selecting column and using conditional formatting

  • Now, the duplicate values dialog box will pop up, and select Duplicate from the “Format cells that contain” option along with selecting the color.

Duplicate values dialog box

  • Now, the final output will be similar to the one below.

The final output of highlight duplicates in Excel column wise

4. Highlight Duplicates for a Specific Range

This example is quite similar to the previous one, but instead of selecting any column, select a specific range. Here, select range C5:E10.

Highlight duplicates in Excel for a specific range

5. Highlight Duplicates Except for the First Value

  • First, select the range B5:E10, and select New Rules from the Conditional Formatting option in Toolbar.
  • Then, write the formula in the Edit the Rule Description box and click OK to highlight duplicates.

Edit formatting rule dialog box will pop up

  • Last, the output will be similar to that below.

The output of highlight duplicates except for the first value

6. Highlight Duplicates of an Entire row Based on a Column

  • In the beginning, select the range and open the Edit Formatting Rule dialog box using the same process already shown and write the formula in Edit the Rule Description
=COUNTIF($C$5:$C$10, $C5)>1

Adding formula using conditional formatting

  • Here is the final output after executing the full process.

The output of highlight duplicates of an entire row based on a column

7. Highlight Duplicates Across Multiple Sheets

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C5,'Dataset 2'!$C$5:$C$10,1,0),"")

Highlight duplicates across multiple sheets

  • Now, open the Edit Formatting Rule from Conditional Formatting and write another formula to highlight the duplicate values.
  • Adding formula in edit formatting rule dialog boxHere is the final output from highlighting duplicates.

The output of highlight duplicates across multiple sheets

How to Find Duplicates in Excel: 2 Ways

We can also find duplicates using different formulas. Here we will show how to find duplicates using different formulas.

1. Combining IF and COUNTIFS Functions to Find Duplicates

In this example, we will use the IF function and the COUNTIFS function to find duplicates.

  • Initially, select cell F5 and enter the formula to get the duplicate values.
  • Then drag down the fill handle until cell F10 completes the process.

Formula Breakdown


  • Here, the COUNTIFS function returns the value as True or False. If there is a duplicate, then this part will return True; otherwise, it will return False.


  • The formula returns the value Duplicate if there is any duplicate value; otherwise, it will return the value as Unique.

Combining IF and COUNTIFS functions

2. Using COUNTIFS Function to Find Duplicates

Now, we will use The COUNTIFS function to find the duplicates here.

  • First, select cell F5 and enter the formula to get the duplicate values.

Using COUNTIFS to find duplicates

How to Remove Duplicates in Excel: 3 Ways

Here we will remove duplicates in Excel using formulas and options from the Toolbar.

1. Using Remove Duplicates Command from Toolbar

  • Initially, select range C5:E10 and go to Home tab >> Data Tools >> Remove Duplicates from the toolbar.

Using remove duplicates command from toolbar (2)

  • Then, Remove Duplicates dialog box will pop up, and select the cells as per requirement.
  • Last, click on OK to complete the process.

Remove duplicates dialog box pops up

  • The duplicate values are removed as below.

Final output of using remove duplicate command from toolbar (2)

2. Using the UNIQUE Function

  • To get the unique values, only enter the UNIQUE function in cell G5 and get the final output as an array.

Using UNIQUE function

3. Applying Advanced Filter Options

  • First, select the range B5:D10 and go to Data >> Sort & Filter >> Advanced from the toolbar.

Using advanced filter function

  • Then, the Advanced Filter dialog box will pop up as below.
  • Select the List Range and Criteria Range as B5:D10 and check on the Unique Records Only in the dialog box.
  • Now, finally, click OK to complete the process.

Advanced filter dialog box pops up

  • Here, the output will be similar to that below.

The final output of applying advanced filter options

Things to Remember

  • You cannot remove any data while they merge any cells in that column or row. First, you need to unmerge the cells. Then you can remove the duplicates.
  • You can use the COUNTIF function instead of the COUNTIFS function if you are working on a single column or row.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the shortcut key for highlighting duplicates in Excel?

Ans: The shortcut key for highlighting duplicates in Excel is “Alt+H+L+H+D”.

Q2: How do I highlight in Excel but not delete duplicates?

Ans: If you want to highlight duplicates without deleting any duplicates, then select Data >> Data Tools >> Remove Duplicates from the toolbar. Here, only duplicates will be removed.

Q3: What is the fastest way to highlight in Excel?

Ans: Select any cell in the worksheet and then press CTRL + A to highlight all the cells in a single sheet.

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the workbook below for practice.


Here, we learned how to highlight duplicates in Excel using different formulas and different options from the toolbar. Here we also learned how to find duplicates with formulas and how to remove duplicates in Excel.  We covered every solution to highlight duplicates in Excel in this article. Hopefully, you can solve the problem shown in this article. Please let us know in the comment section if there are any queries or suggestions.

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Syeda Fahima Nazreen
Syeda Fahima Nazreen

SYEDA FAHIMA NAZREEN is an electrical & electronics engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Proteus, MATLAB, Multisim, AutoCAD, Jupiter Notebook, and MS Office, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from American International University, Bangladesh, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively... Read Full Bio

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